*End of Life Planner*Death Doula* Educator*Coach
What is an End of Life Doula?
An End of Life Doula/End of Life Practitioner/Death Doula is a non-medical practitioner and support provider for the dying and their loved ones.
Let me introduce myself,
Hi, my name is Lindsay LaRose. I am an End of Life Practitioner/Doula. My discovery into the end of life began many years ago. With the loss of some really close family members and some friends, including my mother, I have experienced the stages of grief and understand the stress and despair that comes to the family and the close loved ones. A few years ago things changed for me. I developed an understanding and a peaceful acceptance with loss.
I now view death very differently, and realize that not only is it part of life, but it is very sacred. So sacred that it deserves to be recognized in a glorious and meaningful way. It is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new journey. Just like we are brought into this world through birth, we also leave this world in such an amazing way.
I understand that a large amount of people are unaware of the resources and have not planned out their desires, wants, or needs for the planning of their end of life care, this can and make things unnecessarily uncomfortable for family, and for the one that is starting the journey to the end of life.
This isn’t just for the dying, but for the living! To have an advanced care plan in order can change the way we leave this world. It can makes our last months, weeks and even days, peaceful and comfortable. Your wishes and the way you would like things need to be advocated for. We are all entitled to leave this world the way we envision our peaceful journey.
I will have to say, that even at my age, I have been working on my advanced care plan for myself and for my family. It is very important that we are knowledgeable on what resources we have access to. The little things that many are unaware of, or do not have someone to search out these resources for them, can make a huge impact in the way we leave this life. Such as things like hospice care at home if we chose to be in our own home instead of the hospital. Or the right to live out our last few days how ever we choose without having to sacrifice the care that we would receive in a hospital setting. This journey is ours to build and decide .
With my mother, she had no plan for her end of life, and I will tell you, we had no idea what funeral home to have her go to, and we did not have a casket or anything planned, we basically spent the following few days organizing it instead of being with family. We also had no idea what medical measures to take or what she might have wanted. She was in a sterile hospital setting, no flowers, no music and really nothing that made her feel comfortable. If I could go back in time I would have had things very differently for her, I would have already known what she would have liked and wished for, would she have wanted to see the sun, the beautiful sky and the birds. My goal is to have everyone, have their wishes made clear and for them to have that setting where they are comfortable and at peace, to have all their wishes granted to them for the experience to be peaceful and comfortable. And for those who have no living family, for them to have the comfort, the companionship, the tender voice and touch, comforting them and being with them on this journey so they do not have to do it alone, whether you want prayer, or music, or someone to listen to your story, this will happen for you, Whatever you desire is yours to be had. I am and will be here for you and your family. I will have the resources, and guide you through the plan of your care. My heart is in this journey with you.
Let your journey be yours,
Lindsay LaRose
What I offer
Consultation- (30 minutes-free)
Free consult for those that would like to work together with me on a Death Transitioning Plan, End of Life Plan, or any of my services offered. We will discuss services including end of life care planning, bedside vigils, ritual work, grief work, or discussing your needs for any service offered.
End of Life Planning
In three – 60 minutes sessions, we will discuss and document your beliefs, and your wishes for your end of life and after death. From a bedside vigil, legacy work, funeral planning, medical care, or even just tying up loose ends and affairs
Oraganizing/Swedish Death Cleaning
Do you need help organizing, do you have too many personal belongings or were you left with belongings of the deceased and it is becoming overwhelming? Together, we will explore options for organizing, downsizing, or start the gifting process.
Ritual and Memorial Planning
We can explore many options for the celebration of life or funeral planning services. From traditional burial, green burial or cremation. Funeral/at home funeral planning, celebration of life planning, memorial service and obituary writing.
Bedside Vigils/Active Dying Care
We can explore your wants and requests when it comes to providing emotional support and companionship at the end of life. I can provide respite care for the care givers and I can tend to the needs of the dying. This allows family and loved ones a bit of relief so they can rest knowing that their loved one will not be left alone. I can provide bedside non medical support in the last few weeks or days with alternate comfort measures.
After Death Care/Death Education
Rituals, ceremonies, and death education for the whole family.
Advocate/Medical Assistance in Dying
Resources for Medical Assistance in Dying, Dying with Dignity. I will work along side my clients who have made the decision for Medical Assistance in Dying. Please request a consult to discuss what support or services would be of interest, or we can include all the services in a package.
Pet Loss
Ritual, vigil, memorial planning, whether you just need some support during this tough time, or you would like to plan something special for your companion. Loosing a pet is never an easy thing. We can explore the ideas of photography, making a memorial garden, or having a service. There is always something special that we can do to make the journey over the rainbow bridge a peaceful one.
30 minutes initial consultation – free
End of Life Plan 3x 60 min – $195.00
Individual sessions (60 minutes) $70.00 hr
Package of 10 (60 min) sessions – $600.00
Please note I will also work on a sliding scale, if there are financial boundaries, please inquire.